About the Symposium
Dear colleagues,
With particular honor and pleasure, we invite you to the Symposium “Current Topics in Neonatology” with international participation, organized by the Neonatal Association, which will be held from November 15 to 17, 2024, at the Hilton Hotel in Skopje.
New developments in the care and treatment of newborns are always a huge challenge for neonatologists, pediatricians, gynecologists, family doctors, and all other related specialties who are in any way involved in the care of the little ones. At the Symposium, novelties and information will be shared about certain respiratory, cardiac, hematological, immunological, nephrological, gastroenterohepatological, and neurological conditions in newborns, as well as problems related to nutrition and metabolism, while we will try to answer many questions and dilemmas with which we face in everyday practice.
On the eve of World Prematurity Day, November 17th, emphasis will be placed on a series of activities to raise awareness of the challenges and burden of premature birth as well as the care of premature babies.
We expect you!
With respect,
Prof. Dr. Silvana Naunova Timovska
President of Neonatal Association
Dear colleagues, dear friends,
In the name of the Scientific Committee and in my own name, I have the great honor and pleasure to invite you to participate in the international symposium “Current Topics in Neonatology”, which will be held in Skopje, RN Macedonia from November 15-17, 2024. On the eve of the World Day of Premature Children, November 17th, this Symposium will present the latest knowledge in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of pathological conditions from various areas of Neonatology, with special emphasis on problems related to prematurity. Top experts from our country, the region and Europe will participate in the Symposium, who will present the latest knowledge, as well as their own experiences in the field of neonatology, perinatology and newborn surgery, through plenary lectures, workshops and round tables.
Neonatology and the problems of the newborn are constantly evolving fields, and the care of the premature is one of the top priorities of every neonatologist. The adoption of the latest knowledge about the causes of the occurrence of diseases, as well as the modern therapeutic possibilities for the care of the newborn, leads to an improvement in the outcome of the treatment and an improvement in the quality of life of newborns at risk. That is why, participation in this Symposium will be an opportunity to exchange experiences with the most renowned experts in the field of Neonatology in our country and in the region, gain knowledge about the latest scientific achievements and therapeutic possibilities, as well as improve one’s own capabilities in providing the best health care for the newborn.
In advance, I am looking forward to our meeting at this Symposium, because such professional gatherings of experts from various fields of neonatology are the right way to contribute to the improvement of newborn health care, both in our country and in the region.
With wishes for good health and successful work,
Prim. doctor of med. sciences Dusko Fidanovski
President of the Scientific Committee of the Symposium